Hair Restoration
The most common type of male baldness is hereditary. It is characterized by an uncontrolled hair loss, and affects nearly 50% of the male population. Testosterone is the hormone that affects hair follicles, and leads to progressive hair loss. While the hair on the forehead is affected by testosterone, the hair on the sides and the back of the head is not. These hair follicles have been genetically codified to grow permanently, even when they are moved to another area within the scalp. That is why natural hair restoration is possible.
Hair loss is something that can occur naturally, every day. Each hair on your head tends to a genetic program that includes sequential growth, restoration and mute.
Overall 85% of the hair on your head grows about gradually and continuously for two to six years. When the growth phase ends, the hair shaft begins a period of restoration and then moves, only 15% of your hair is restored at the same time.
The average daily hair loss is 50 to 150 hairs, but because many more hair follicles remain growing. Considering that the typical adult has about 100,000 strands of hair, this loss is not representative.
Eventually a strand of hair starts to grow new roots, embedded within the hair follicles, and this pushes out the old tree as it grows. When the move is significant and too much more than growth, baldness occurs.
The most common type of male baldness is hereditary. It is characterized by an uncontrolled hair loss, and affects nearly 50% of the male population. Testosterone is the hormone that affects hair follicles, and leads to progressive hair loss. While the hair on the forehead is affected by testosterone, the hair on the sides and the back of the head is not. These hair follicles have been genetically codified to grow permanently, even when they are moved to another area within the scalp. That is why natural hair restoration is possible.
Hair loss is something that can occur naturally, every day. Each hair on your head tends to a genetic program that includes sequential growth, restoration and mute.
Overall 85% of the hair on your head grows about gradually and continuously for two to six years. When the growth phase ends, the hair shaft begins a period of restoration and then moves, only 15% of your hair is restored at the same time.
The average daily hair loss is 50 to 150 hairs, but because many more hair follicles remain growing. Considering that the typical adult has about 100,000 strands of hair, this loss is not representative.
Eventually a strand of hair starts to grow new roots, embedded within the hair follicles, and this pushes out the old tree as it grows. When the move is significant and too much more than growth, baldness occurs.