Scientists believe that 95% of hair loss in men and women are caused by a genetic condition called Alopecia Andro. In men, pattern baldness is usually referred to be called male pattern baldness and usually forms a strip of hair with a horseshoe appearance. Hair loss in normal women taking the form of an elongate crown above the front of the head. Usually the hair loss is caused by these factors, hereditary, hormonal or age. In the first case, the hair will be the target genes and shrink the size of these. This shrinkage results in overall weight loss over time. In the second, the dihydrotestoterone, the hormone responsible for hair loss, explain the decline of follicles and finally the aging process can weaken the hair and consequently the hair shaft. This causes thinning and hair loss occurs by creating a permanent bald.



Ariata Alopecia is a type of alopecia that does not respond to steroid treatments or other drugs that stimulate hair growth. The Hair micro grafting is a technique used to correct female hair loss.

This type of alopecia can be corrected with microinjerto capillary provided when there are good own donor areas in the patient.

ALOPECIA TRAUMATIC (Trichotillomania)

Is a disorder characterized by the intentional invoice of the hair, can be found in both (children and adults), is indicative of severe psychological problems. Presents the voluntary milestones of hair, even occasionally can be pulled out with the teeth, which at the time is lost in the attacked area. For these patients perform hair transplant must be previously cured from the psychological point of view, otherwise relapse almost involuntarily. Once the patient has overcome his psychological situation, in the affected area can perform hair transplant to give density.

There are alopecia caused by traction of skin after facelift surgery or stretching, in which can appreciate depopulated area in both temporary regions and visible scars.

Another kind of female Alopecia is the reverse of the previous hair line, giving the appearance of having a very broad front. In this case the hair micrografting is used with satisfactory results.

Types of masculine baldness

Though the hair of the forehead is affected adversely by the testosterone, the hair in the sides and the inverse one of the head is not. These follicles of the hair have been codified genetically to grow for the whole life, still when they move to another place in the hairy leather. This fact makes possible the restoration of his natural hair.


It is important before proceeding to implant micro hair, a prior consultation to assess the bald area and density of hair from the donor, to determine the number of micro implants needed. We also evaluate the patient’s physical condition and perform routine laboratory tests. It evaluates the condition of the scalp taking into account issues such as the presence of seborrhea or dandruff, or other diseases that could interfere with our procedure. In our center, we are able to try to eliminate cases that cause hair loss and to ensure the success of micro implants.


Our technique involves peeling the donor zone of the same patient’s head samples and put them in the bald area, hair by hair. The difference is that the above method placed small amount of hair, and that now is not used. In Pierini Esthetic Center we use thorough modern technique, where we use equipment such as microscopes, achieving a 100 percent success. It is a simple, versatile and convenient procedure for the patient. The conclusion of the session, the patient returns without bandages or sequels, returning to his work in 24 hours.
Our Center have the highest technology and hair transplantation procedures that restore her line of hair and density, appearance, and naturally. Our experience in this field stands to benefit patients who suffer from shortage of hair and baldness. We Offer you all the information so you know the best techniques now performed around the world, such as the method, F.U.E. extraction of follicular units (without knife) Trichophytic Clousure (minimizes the appearance of the scar in donor lazona), grafting of long hair, scars, burns restoration, new technique for eyebrows and eyelashes, etc., transplanted eyebrows requires an appropriate form and a valid address.