Breast Lift

Breast Lift Surgery in Miami, Florida

A Breast Lift improves the contour of the breast by removing excess skin and reshaping the remaining tissue. For breasts that have lost their fullness and projection due to pregnancy, genetics or the natural aging process, a Breast Lift is the ideal procedure to create a perkier, fuller, more youthful appearance. The nipple and areola (dark area around the nipple) can also be contoured to the desired size, shape and height.

Breast Lifts do not enlarge the breasts. If larger breasts are desired, a Breast Augmentation can be performed at the same time.

A Breast Lift is done on an outpatient basis under IV sedation or general anesthesia, whichever the patient prefers. Light activity can be resumed within a week.

Our plastic surgeon performs both traditional and more modern surgical techniques and has perfected the “Lollipop Design” which minimizes scaring. During your private consultation, our plastic surgeon will review the various options so that together you can choose the procedure that you prefer.