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Laser Facial Rejuvenation
Need laser facial rejuvenation in Miami? Book your consultation at our leading Miami cosmetic surgery clinic.

Laser Facial Rejuvenation in Miami

Laser Facial Rejuvenation

LimeLight™ Facial

Laser Rejuvenation MiamiThe LimeLight™ Facial is a new, non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation to improve skin tone and surface imperfections associated with aging and photodamage. Is ideal for any part of your face, neck, skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots.

By selecting Program A, B or C, your practitioner can customize your LimeLight™ Facial to your skin type and selectively treat the brown and /or red pigmented areas on your skin. It’s the heating of the pigmented brown or red cells that causes the therapeutic effects.

When the pulse of light is delivered, patients will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Gel is recommended to cool the skin before vascular treatments. Anesthesia or pain medicine is typically not required.

Treatment time depends on the area of the body being treated. However, most treatments should take less than one hour. One to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun damage skin.

Immediately following treatment, brown spots will start to darken and your skin may appear slightly red. The treated area may be mildly swollen. This typically last a few hours and possibly a day or longer. Make-up can be applied to cover the redness. Within one to three weeks, the darkened spots will flake off and fade. Diffuse redness or telangiectasia will decrease and your mottled complexion will improve.

New brown spots, telangiectasia and diffuse redness may appear with new sun damage; however they too can be treated. Remember to always apply broad- spectrum sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots and diffuse redness.

The process is ideal for patients with active lifestyles because the procedure requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects. The medical teams at Pierini Esthetic have extensive experience in aesthetic lasers and are very conscious of patient comfort and pain control. We utilized state of the art laser and light systems that are cool to the touch, safe and proven.


Laser Skin Genesis™ uses advanced science to achieve vibrant, even and smooth texture for both men and women skin. The light penetrates deep into the dermal tissue (second skin layer) where collagen (fibrous proteins) occurs, stimulating increased production of new collagen. Unlike other methods, this is done without destroying the upper layers of the skin.

The Laser Genesis™ is a safe procedure, discreet and effective at treating scars and uneven facial textures, wrinkles, fine lines and reduces pores. The result is a better looking skin with smoother texture and a healthier appearance. The skin is gently heated during this procedure, and daily activities can be resumed immediately. This is truly a rejuvenating experience with NO downtime.

Laser Genesis™ skin rejuvenation uses laser light aimed at the dermis causing the production of new collagen over time. It is also directed to vascular (small vessel) below the surface of the skin, reducing redness and ruddy complexion in micro areas.

Most patients can resume daily activities immediately after laser treatment. Laser Genesis results continue to increase after each treatment applied until after the last treatment where the maximum result, about three to six months after treatment is acquired. Daily maintenance of the skin (with Pierini skincare line) and a healthy lifestyle contributes substantially to the success of treatment. Patients should wear sunscreen to appropriately protect regions of the body that have been treated.


La terapia de la piel con láser Génesis usa la ciencia avanzada para lograr el tono vibrante, parejo y de textura suave, tanto en hombres como en mujeres. La luz penetra profundamente en el tejido dérmico (segunda capa de la piel) donde se produce el colágeno (proteínas fibrosas) estimulando un aumento de la producción de nuevo colágeno. A diferencia de otros métodos, esto se hace sin destruir las capas superiores de la piel.

El procedimiento de Láser Génesis es seguro, discreto y trata de manera efectiva las cicatrices y desiguales de las texturas faciales, las arrugas, líneas finas y ampliar los poros. El resultado es una piel con una textura más suave y una apariencia más saludable. La piel se calienta suavemente durante este procedimiento, y las actividades diarias se pueden reanudar de inmediato. Esto es realmente una experiencia rejuvenecedora sin tiempo de inactividad.

Rejuvenecimiento de la piel Génesis emplea luz láser destinada a la dermis provocando la producción de colágeno nuevo que continúa con el tiempo. También se dirige a áreas micro vascular (pequeños vasos) por debajo de la superficie de la piel, disminuyendo el enrojecimiento y tez rojiza. El resultado es aún mejor en el tono de la piel, los poros más abiertos y una textura más suave en la piel.

La mayoría de los pacientes pueden reanudar de inmediato las actividades diarias después de un tratamiento con láser Génesis. Los resultados del láser Génesis continuarán aumentando después de cada tratamiento que se aplica, hasta después del último tratamiento donde se adquiere el resultado máximo, aproximadamente de tres a seis meses después del tratamiento. Mantenimiento diario de la piel y un estilo de vida saludable contribuye sustancialmente al éxito del tratamiento. Los pacientes deben usar protector solar y ropa apropiada para proteger a las regiones del cuerpo que han sido tratadas.

Skin Rejuvenation Pearl™

The Pearl™ procedure is a “Thermal Peel” laser treatment. The Thermal Peel reduces wrinkles, uneven texture and solar damage with fewer treatments and less overall downtime than other technologies. The Pearl™ laser will renew your skin’s surface with quick, visible results. Pearl™ treats fine lines on the face and neck, uneven skin texture and light & dark spots caused by sun damage.

The Pearl™ procedure combines the impact of resurfacing lasers with the gentleness and safety of non-invasive procedures to treat aging and sun-damaged skin. Pearl™ reduces wrinkles, uneven texture and solar damage with fewer treatments and less overall recovery than other technologies to provide a healthy, pearl-like glow.

During treatment, the top layer of skin (portion of the epidermis) is removed with pulses of light in a pre-selected pattern. The laser simultaneously sends heat to the deeper layers of skin to provide long-term benefits. A natural protective dressing forms on the skin, to minimize downtime during the restorative process. On day 3 or 4, this natural dressing will peel or slough off, leaving new, healthy, vibrant skin. In a short time, patients will notice overall skin clarity, smoothness and softness – all from a 15-20 minute treatment with only 3 – 6 days of “social” downtime.

Most patients will choose a Pearl™ treatment because it significantly improves the skin’s texture and pigmentation and minimizes wrinkles, without clinical downtime required with certain Erbium and CO2 laser procedures. Compared to today’s fractionated technologies, Pearl™ offers noticeable results in just one treatment versus 4 – 6 fractionated treatments.

After treatment, the skin will look and feel mildly sunburned. You will apply ointment on the skin to keep it moist. The skin will need to be kept moist for 3 – 4 days. Around day 3 or 4, thermally damaged epidermal tissue will peel or slough off, leaving fresh, new, healthy skin underneath. Additional minimal peeling may occur for another 2 to 3 days.

Some patients may require 2-3 treatments spaced approximately one month apart to achieve the desired results. Other patients may need only one treatment.

Patients with light to medium skin tones, uneven skin texture, and acne scar, mild to moderate sun damage are also candidates for the treatment.