Are you looking for liposuction in Miami? This highly popular and effective fat removal procedure is ideal for patients who are near normal weight and want to permanently remove fat cells for a more flattering physique. Both men and women are candidates for liposuction if they have excess localized fat deposits which are resistant to diet and exercise, and which cause disproportionate contours on parts of the body. Liposuction is commonly performed on the abdomen, waist and sides, hips, knees, under the chin and neck, upper arms and back. Other specialized body areas for men include the chest and breast.

We perform liposuction in Miami on an outpatient basis at our comfortable sugery center in Doral/Miami. General anesthesia is generally used for safety and comfort, although we also offer local anesthesia and IV sedation. During the procedure, small suction tubes (cannulas) are inserted through very short incisions in inconspicuous locations near the fat deposits. The excess fat is then suctioned out through the canulas. If large volumes of fat are to be removed, we will probably ask you to donate one or two units of blood and take supplemental iron before surgery. Your own blood will be used as a transfusion at the end of surgery.

After having liposuction in Miami, you will need to wear a compression garment (or tape) over the treated areas for about a month to reduce swelling. Any initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication, and pain, bruising and swelling usually subside in 2 to 4 weeks. Your final results will take shape in the 3 to 6 months following your surgery.

Your surgeon will also discuss with you complementary procedures which you could have in conjunction with liposuction to achieve your overall aesthetic goals. These procedures may include a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation, thigh or buttock lift.

While surgical procedures have some degree of risk, we can only determine your specific risks and suitability for liposuction in Miami at the time of consultation. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally and major complications are rare. As liposuction is considered cosmetic, it is not covered by insurance and you will be responsible for payment.

To learn more about the liposuction procedure, its cost and results, please book your FREE consultation with us by phoning 305.303.3872 today.